SENCo: Mrs Jayne Barber

Mrs Barber can be contacted through the school office on 01642 782731 or

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SEND Information

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Stockton Borough Council Local Offer;jsessionid=9EE7658565B5AEC2ECE2EF8E0951245B?localofferchannel=0

SEND Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Learning Support Model

At Yarm Primary we are committed to the equal inclusion of all pupils in all areas of school life. We recognise the diverse and individual needs of all of our pupils and take into account the additional support required by those children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

We recognise that all pupils are entitled to a quality of provision which will enable them to achieve their potential and enjoy well- being as enshrined in the outcomes of Every Child Matters (be healthy; be safe; enjoy and achieve; make a positive contribution and achieve economic well-being). We believe in positive intervention; removing barriers to learning; raising expectations and levels of achievement and working in partnership with other agencies in order to provide a positive educational experience for all SEND pupils.

Special educational needs (SEN) – The government is transforming the system for children and young people with special educational needs (SEN), including those who are disabled, so that services consistently support the best outcomes for them.

The bill will extend the SEN system from birth to 25, giving children, young people and their parents greater control and choice in decisions and ensuring needs are properly met. It takes forward the reform programme set out in ‘Support and aspiration: a new approach to special education needs and disability – progress and next steps‘ including by:

  • replacing old statements with a new birth- to-25 education, health and care plan
  • offering families personal budgets
  • improving cooperation between all the services that support children and their families, particularly requiring local authorities and health authorities to work together

Curriculum – Access to a broad and balanced curriculum

All pupils follow the National Curriculum at a level and pace suitable for their ability. Our SEND philosophy places SEND children at the heart of personalised learning and our curriculum is tailored to meet individual pupil needs. At times modifications to the curriculum may be implemented. To successfully match pupil ability to the Curriculum, Yarm Primary continues to be committed to:

  • A range of teaching and learning styles.
  • Differentiated materials (both for reinforcement and extension).
  • Access to ICT.
  • Additional in class support.
  • Additional out of class support.
  • Flexible groupings (including small group work).
  • The appropriate use of rewards and sanctions.
  • Mentoring and counseling.
  • A broad range of extra-curricular activities.
  • Assessment procedures that emphasise pupils’ strengths and achievements.
  • Preparing pupils for the next stage of their education and embedding life skills.

The SEN Team work closely with the following professionals in order to provide the highest levels of support for pupils with SEN.

  • External Agencies – Partnerships
  • ELT SEN specialists
  • SEN Team Stockton LA.
  • Behaviour and Inclusion Team.
  • Specialist teaching team.
  • Educational Psychologists.
  • The Service for the Hearing Impairment.
  • The Service for the Visually Impairment.
  • The Health Authority (Clinical commissioning Group).
  • Occupational Health/Therapy.
  • Speech and Language services.
  • The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMH’s).
  • Butterfly Counselling Service.

Parents are informed as their child is registered on the Code of Practice and are involved in all stages of the Code of Practice. There are informal drop in/coffee time sessions every half term; involving the SEN Team. Appointments can be made to discuss things in a more confidential arena through the school office; as we understand that questions may arise about your child’s needs and the level of support that is required for your child to make relevant progress. We hope that together we can alleviate concerns and work together to make sure each child is moving towards fulfilling their potential and becoming independent. A positive and supportive relationship with parents is one of our most powerful resources and has a significant impact upon pupil progress. We also acknowledge that support may be required as parents navigate through the new code of practice protocols; and see this as a service we can provide. If parents require more specialist information we aim to signpost appropriate agencies.

Parents – What do we do?

  • We host 1-1 meetings with parents/carers or family meetings can also be arranged.
  • We arrange meetings so that any professionals involved with a child can come together to share information and views.
  • We invite parents/carers to come and chat about any concerns they or the school may have with a sense of collaboration.
  • We provide opportunities for parents/carers to meet with professionals in confidence.
  • We provide opportunities outside of parents evening for parents/carers to work with teachers and the SEN Team to look at the needs/challenges of individuals.
  • We provide support during the long summer break for parents and pupils to ensure successful transition and address anxieties around change.

Primary to Secondary School Transition

  • In the SEND arena we know how important a successful transition is to our pupils with Additional Needs. We provide extra support for those who will benefit from an enhanced transition. The period of transition depends on the individual needs of the pupil. Staff will also take opportunities to visit any secondary placements involved to provide accurate information for parents and children.
  • This gives us an opportunity to share what is currently in place for the pupil and what is proving successful. Where needed the SENCo from the receiving school will attend review and planning meetings to meet the current class teacher, parents and pupils. At this meeting we hope to ease any worries or concerns and use the information to tailor transition plans.
  • We are keen to support parents/ carers as much as possible in their child’s transition to secondary school. We offer to accompany parents as they visit settings and encourage consideration of placements early in Year 5.


The teaching and learning requirements of all children with a SEND is primarily the responsibility of the class teacher with support from colleagues and designated TAs as appropriate. This reflects the Code of Practice and the school principle that SEND is a whole school issue and a recognised aspect of all strategic planning.

The SEN Team

To build capacity in meeting the needs of pupils with a SEND we have developed a team approach.


Jayne Barber

Mental Health & well-being:

Jill Wood


Rebecca Tyerman


Teaching Assistants

TAs are deployed to support SEND in a variety of ways as managed by SENDCo and Principal.

Qualifications of support staff include:

CACHE Level 2, CACHE Level 3, HLTA, QTS, ASD diploma at levels 2/3/4.

Teaching, Learning and Assessment

  • Pupil Assessment is an on-going process and forms an essential part of teaching and is designed to promote the raising of achievement.
  • Pupil assessments provide important information for pupil review and support meetings and may also be used as a basis for an initial referral to the SEND Team.
  • The team may also use assessment (reading, writing, numerical) to further assess a pupil’s Special Educational Needs.
  • Non-academic assessments e.g. behavior, sensory and communication areas may be undertaken to support the work we do in school; or to support work with other agencies.

It is important to note that not all pupils referred to the SEND Team will be SEND pupils; any support and guidance given may be short, medium or long term.

Further information and Useful Links

Toddler Group

Updated: 10/07/2019 400 KB  provides a range of services, including support and activity groups for the whole family in Norton

Did you know that our local cinemas have autism friendly showings?