Jill Wood | Principal |
Jayne Barber | Vice Principal |
Teachers |
Early Years Staff | |
Mrs Parkes | Mrs Willis |
Mrs Barber | |
Year 1 | |
Miss Anderson | |
Year 2 | |
Miss Gott | Miss West |
Year 3 | |
Miss Puttick | Mr Smith |
Year 4 | |
Mrs Danks | Mr Painter |
Year 5 | |
Mrs Rawling | Mrs Ainsley |
Year 6 | |
Mr Jefferies | Mr Parry |
Teaching Assistants |
Mrs Bell |
Mrs Dent |
Mrs Gibson | Mrs Grey |
Mrs Powell | Miss Langley |
Mrs Whitaker | Miss Dow |
Miss Yule |
Miss Breckon |
Admin Staff |
Mrs Tyerman - School Administrator | |
Site Supervisor |
Mr Graham |
Did you know?
The following people have responsibilities as part of the statutory duty for safeguarding:
Designated person – Jill Wood
Deputy Designated personnel – Jayne Barber
Officer responsible for Looked After children (LAC) – Jill Wood
Special educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) – Jayne Barber
All these people are contactable via the main school office.