What a lovely first week back in Year 4!
The children have returned with very positive behaviours for learning and we have already learnt all about perimeter, how the Vikings came to Britain, began some wonderful writing on our new story 'Edward Tulane' and created our own 'fireworks' using code in Scratch.
Below is the new homework grid for Autumn 2. Homework is to be handed in on a Thursday.
We have also attached the Y3/4 statutory spelling list. It is expected that the children can spell all of these words by the end of Year 4. Finally, we have also produced a list of statements/skills linked to the reading objectives in Year 4 with suggested questions aimed at supporting reading at home.
If you have any questions or would like further clarification or support please just ask!
The Year 4 Team.
Y4 Autumn 2 Homework, Spellings and Reading |