Yarm Primary School celebrated Safer Internet Day this Tuesday! Children throughout school embraced this year's theme of 'Identity Online' in many different ways.
In KS2 assembly, Mr Jefferies invited children to consider what they shared about themselves online and how this represented their real identity. It was great to see so many children realise that an online identity can be a positive thing as long as we remain respectful towards others and do not reveal personal information.
Classes explored the theme of 'Identity Online' by taking part in activities such as drawing and describing aspects of their online selves such as their favourite emojis and types of profile pictures, as well as discussing scenarios about acceptable and unacceptable uses of online freedom. In KS1, children used 'Circle Time' to discuss ways to stay safe online and how they should always speak to a trusted adult if something worries them on the Internet.
There was plenty going at break times too as Mr Jefferies hosted a carousel of activities in his classroom. Children had the chance to access the 'Video Diary Room' where they rolled a cube and filmed themselves answering a question related to online identity (all in private of course!) They also had the opportunity to contribute a doodle to the 'Sharing Online' wall for things which are OK to share online and things which are not OK.
Safer Internet Day 2020 was great fun and a great success! We now all know more about what makes a positive online identity and what we should and shouldn't share on the Internet.
Remember: if something or someone ever upsets you online, always tell a trusted adult. You're never alone!