This week we were introduced to Guy Fawkes and discovered why we celebrate Bonfire Night. We used different media to create fabulous firework pictures and thought of sound words to go with them. We made firework patterns with jewels, ribbon and sequins to develop our fine motor skills.
We enjoyed eating bread rolls and ketchup with or without hotdogs to celebrate Bonfire Night.
In Literacy we were looking at different settings for stories and our favourite setting was the snowy, icy landscape of the Arctic and Antarctic. We explored what kind creatures might live there.
We have been recognising the initial sounds in our names. Ask your child to tell you what the first sound in their name is. Can they do this for other objects too?
We were busy scribing stories about fireworks and some of our children performed their stories at the end of the session.
Our number of the week in Maths is 8.
Finally we explored Vincent Van Gogh’s painting The Starry Night, recognising the shapes he used in his picture and trying to recreate them in our own starry night pictures.
As you can see it’s been another busy, fun packed week!