Congratulations to Niamh who is one of 5 runners up in the Little Inventors:Pioneers Competition that we entered earlier in the school year. Her idea is called 'Pitch Black'. Niamh explains, "When you go into a room and are going to turn on the light, you need to put the pointer in the tube so that when you close it, the pointer hits it and switches the light off."
The Little Inventors team were very impressed with her idea. They said,"So this way, we never have to remember to turn of the light? I like it! This would be great for my family, who are always forgetting to turn off the light! Great inventing, Niamh, and you've thought through the mechanics of it really well."
Year 4 are very proud of Niamh. Mrs Chisholm and Mr Painter are very proud of all the Year 4 children who produced some excellent, creative ideas. The future of science is safe in your hands. Well done, everybody.