It is the end of another half term and another few weeks of fantastic work, effort and progress. As we leave the mountains behind, we begin to reflect on our climate.
Within our next topic, we will be asking the questions - "Is there a climate crisis?" and "Are we climate leaders?". Through this we will be focusing on the recent actions of Greta Thunberg, focusing on Scandinavia and comparing this to efforts to reduce waste In Africa. There's so much to get our 'teeth into' and we're really excited about what we hope the children will be able to gain and reflect on.
As a short pre-learning task, can you think of any questions you would like to ask about the environment, Scandinavia or Africa? Do you possibly have your own early comments or reflections?
Also added below is our new homework grid. Have a fantastic and well-deserved break!
The Year 4 Team
Homework Grid Spring 2