It’s been another busy week in Nursery!
The children have been learning about their senses, with a particular focus on eyes. We made some coloured glasses to use on our sight walk around school.
We used the computers to make an eye colour chart.
We’ve been enjoying rhyming stories and making rhyming silly soup – one soup’s…
Learning about ourselves
We have introduced the children to our topic of ‘Me Me Me’ by opening up our new role play ‘Doctors Surgery’. The children have learnt all about what a doctors surgery is used for, why we go, and who might work there. They have had fun dressing up as Doctors and Nurses, writing prescriptions,…
Welcome to an exciting new term in Nursery!
We are looking forward to welcoming you all and meeting our new starters. We have an exciting half term planned ahead with our topic being ‘Me, Me, Me’. The children will be learning all about themselves, their body and their senses. We will also be thinking about what keeps us healthy and…