15 September 2020

Science Challenge

This week we have been looking closely at materials in Science.

Did you know that rubbers and t-shirts are made from plants?

Can you  find objects at home that are made from plants?

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13 January 2020


Last week we looked closely at materials. We discussed the difference between a material and an object. We used a range of scientific vocabulary to describe items such as hard, waterproof, smooth etc. Children found different items around the class and described them to a partner, who then guessed…

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Image of Oriental Museum
20 June 2019

Oriental Museum

What a fantastic day we had learning about China at the Oriental Museum in Durham!

We made Terracotta Warriors, learnt a dragon dance, acted out a story all about how the animals got their place in the Zodiac and learnt about what each animal represented in Chinese culture. As well as getting…

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Image of The Great Wall of China
17 June 2019

The Great Wall of China

This afternoon we have been learning about why they built the Great Wall of China and we then had a go at making our own sections!

It had to be wide enough for a cart to travel along and they were even challenged to build a watchtower just like they built on the real wall.

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Image of Science investigation
14 June 2019

Science investigation

This week we used our investigation skills to see if raisins would sink or float in liquid and if changing the liquid would make a difference.

We tested this using four different liquids. The children learnt that the bubbles get trapped in the grooves of the raisins helping them to float up to…

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Image of Playground games
24 May 2019

Playground games

Yesterday the children worked in small groups to invent a new playground game. They wrote instructions on how to play their game and thought about what equipment they would need.

Today they all played their games on the field and had a great time!

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Image of Goodbye chicks
10 May 2019

Goodbye chicks

Year Two have loved having the chicks in school over the last two weeks.  We have learnt lots about them and grown quite attached to Tall Jeff, Poppy and Pingu.  They have now gone back to the farm to run free but we had a great time looking after them.  What has been your standout moment from…

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Image of We have chicks!
3 May 2019

We have chicks!

This week has been very exciting in Year Two…we now have nine chicks! We have watched them hatch in the incubator and have now transferred them into their enclosure.  They are chirping away and the children are thoroughly enjoying watching them grow.

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Image of Polar Bears
26 April 2019

Polar Bears

The children have learnt all about polar bears this week.  We have each made polar bears and written  different facts around them on the leaves!  We have learnt about their habitats, what they eat and even about their fur!

What other facts can you find out about them over the weekend?

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5 April 2019

Marvellous Maths!

Today we celebrated amazing progress in Maths! Year Two have been trying really hard with their understanding of the four operations and have been using these skills to solve one and two step problems this week.

See if you can write and solve some two step word problems of your own showing your…

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15 March 2019

Plastic pollution!

As part of British Science Week we have been investigating the journey plastics go on to the ocean and the damage this can do to our environment. The children had great fun investigating what would happen when synthetic fabrics were washed and were surprised to discover that small micro-fibres got…

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Image of What do you do to help our world?
3 March 2019

What do you do to help our world?

This half term we are learning all about how we can help our world. The children have been learning about 10 simple ways that they can help their world. What do you already do at home to help our world?

What could you do more of to help the world more?

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