Witch's Tea
Today Nursery have made their own 'Witch's tea!' They cut up bananas carefully, added some milk and blended them together. They added some 'ants blood' (blue food colouring) and a little bit of magic to make the perfect cup of 'Witch's tea'. Some children thought it was very yummy and enjoyed…
What a lot of learning we have done this week - and it's only Tuesday!
This week Nursery have been learning to do magic tricks and have made their own magic wands! They have been making up their own magic words and phrases to make their magic work! The children have been very creative!
It is also Road Safety week this week so the children have been learning…
Hubble Bubble Toil and Trouble
As part of our new topic Witches, Magic and Potions, we have had fun concocting and mixing potions and making spells involving Monkey Sweat, Goblin Snot, Bats Blood, Beetle Juice, Rotten Eggs, and Crushed Bones!! We have also made some delicious Witches Brew (friut and jelly), but the children…
Bonfire Night
Nursery have learnt all about the story of Guy Fawkes and celebrated by creating their own firework pictures using different painting techniques. We talked about the foods which are traditionally eaten on bonfire night and we cooked and ate our own hot dogs which were delicious!
Happy Diwali
Nursery have been learning all about the Hindu festival of Diwali in RE this week. We have learnt that it is also called 'The Festival of Light'.We have read about the story of Rama and Sita which explains why Diwali is celebrated. Ask your child to retell the story? We have also explored how…
Nursery Trip Hardwick Park
Nursery had a fabulous day last week when we went on our trip to Hardwick Park. We looked out for signs of Autumn and collected leaves to take back to make collages and to study using magnifying glasses. We also went on a Gruffalo Hunt around the park where we spotted all the animals from the…
Our study of sea creatures continues…
Nursery have had fun this week finding out all about crabs. We brought a real crab (dead of course!) into the classroom for the children to investigate. They had the opportunity to look at its features, find out what it felt like and smelt like! They learnt that crabs have their skeleton on…
We have butterflies!!!
We are very excited! Some of our caterpillars have now transformed into butterflies! We have watched our caterpillars grow, build chrysalis’s and develop into beautiful butterflies over the last few weeks! We have seen this remarkable life cycle right in front of our eyes which has brought this…
Creatures, creatures everywhere!
This week in Nursery we have been learning about the miraculous transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly. We’ve looked carefully at butterfly wings and made butterfly prints.
We’ve also been learning about how worms are our friends and really good for our gardens. We found out some…
Nursery have been learning all about Caterpillars this week. They have learned about their life cycle – how they start off as an egg paid by a butterfly, from the egg a caterpillar hatches, the caterpillar grows and then turns into a pupa. Inside the pupa a butterfly is forming. When its is…
The children aren’t the only ‘mini beasts’ in Nursery this week!
We have had a really exciting start to our new topic – mini beasts!
Earlier this week, Zoolab came to visit us and we had the opportunity to ask questions, look at and handle different types of mini beasts – including cockroaches, giant snails, millipedes, tarantulas and scorpions.
We have introduced our new topic for this final half term to the children today, which is ‘Minibeasts’. The children have been ‘minibeast detectives’ and found out lots of interesting facts about what a ‘minibeast’ is, different types of minibeasts and where they can be found. They painted a…