Image of My Money Sense Week
15 November 2018

My Money Sense Week

The children have been learning about budgets and different types of payments and using this as inspiration for their maths learning this week.

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Image of In case of emergency…
15 November 2018

In case of emergency…

On Wednesday, Eric, from St John’s Ambulance, came into school to work with us.

He delivered an engaging sessions all around ‘Student First Aid’.

We learnt about bleeding and bruising, primary survey, communication and casualty care and severe bleeding and the recovery position.


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Image of Odd Sock Day
13 November 2018

Odd Sock Day

To launch Friendship week, we all came to school wearing odd socks. This year’s theme is ‘Respect’. We thought about and discussed what we thought the term respect means and how we could show it.

‘It’s ok to be different.’

‘We are all unique.’

‘Everybody can have different views and…

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Image of Homework…
13 November 2018


After a couple of weeks off, we have a lot of work to do this week!

Please let us know if there is a problem.

Year 6 Team

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Image of A visit to Yarm Fire Station
13 November 2018

A visit to Yarm Fire Station

Nursery visited Yarm Fire Station today and had lots of fun!  The children met the firefighters who showed us around the fire station and talked to us about what they do in their job.  They showed us different equipment and demonstrated the uniform, boots and helmet which they wear.  The children…

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Image of Separating Mixtures!
10 November 2018

Separating Mixtures!

This week we have been learning about mixtures and the best way to separate them. In our science lesson we explored different mixtures. We had five mixtures to explore. These were:

Sand and pasta

Water and sand

Gravel and paper clips

Rice and flour

Pasta and rice.

As a team we…

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Image of What a Week!
9 November 2018

What a Week!

Firstly, we would love to say welcome back to school and what a first week back it has been!

We’ve had awesome art, super science, wonderful writing, and masterful maths.

The children have really made us so proud this week and it is onwards and upwards from here.

The Year 4 Team

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9 November 2018


We’ve had a very busy week starting our new topic of pirates. The book we have started looking at is Pirate Pete and we are following him on his journey across the seven seas to try and find the treasure.

How did pirates navigate the seas?

Are all pirates men?

Are all pirates bad?

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Image of Our sculptures
9 November 2018

Our sculptures

This week we have started looking at sculptures around the UK.  We looked at a range of sculptures from our local area and had a go at making our own human sculptures. See what sculptures you can find in your local area. What are they made from?

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Image of Our new half term in Nursery started with a real pop, whizz and bang!
9 November 2018

Our new half term in Nursery started with a real pop, whizz and bang!

This week we were introduced to Guy Fawkes and discovered why we celebrate Bonfire Night. We used different media to create fabulous firework pictures and thought of sound words to go with them. We made firework patterns with jewels, ribbon and sequins to develop our fine motor skills.


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Image of Guisborough Woods
8 November 2018

Guisborough Woods

Year 3 enjoyed an educational visit to Guisborough woods this week. They learned about identifying different trees and also about the uses of some of the trees. The children had the opportunity to saw some trees and use flint and to start a fire for their hot chocolates.

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Image of Welcome back.
4 November 2018

Welcome back.

I hope you’re half term went well and you’re ready to get back to school…

Here are some clues about what you might be learning about in the next few days…

See you soon.

Mrs W.

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