It’s been another busy week in Nursery!
The children have been learning about their senses, with a particular focus on eyes. We made some coloured glasses to use on our sight walk around school.
We used the computers to make an eye colour chart.
We’ve been enjoying rhyming stories and making rhyming silly soup – one soup’s…
A Celebration!
It was wonderful to see so many parents/grandparents in school this evening to share the children’s ‘beautiful work.’
Classrooms were busy – full of positive talk and children who were proud of their work.
Governors and a representative from the Trust came along too.
We have made a good…
Well done Y2SW
Last week our class had 100% attendance! Well done everyone.. a great achievement!
Vindolanda Visit
Yesterday, Year Five visited the Roman Army fort of Vindolanda. We learned about how archaeologists discover the past. Recent digs had discovered coins, shoes, pottery and writing tablets left by the Romans. We explored the ruins and discovered that the site was a Roman village and a Roman fort.…
Working together
Year 6 have been demonstrating the importance of working together this week, during French and tag rugby.
Just a little maths challenge
Following the after school sessions today, a couple of you keen mathematicians requested that I blogged the link to a maths quiz that gripped us this afternoon!
See if you are able to score 100%
Post how you have got on!
Mr H and Mr W
The Day the Crayons Quit
We have been using the books by Drew Daywalt as inspiration for our writing. ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ include letters from Duncan’s crayons, who are writing to him because they are feeling fed up or frustrated about something. We wrote letters from a ‘forgotten crayon’.
Wonderful Writing
Our writing this week has been linked to Goodnight Mr Tom.
The focus has been all around diary writing. The quality of writing has been excellent with some really emotive, empathetic and thoughtful pieces.
Here are a couple of examples of the work completed.
Enjoy reading!
Mr H and Mr…
Where were different dinosaurs found?
This week we have been using the internet to research dinosaurs. Can you use the map below to find which countries different dinosaurs could be found?
Great Fire of London!
This week we started our exciting topic ‘The Great Fire of London’. The children are very excited about this topic and know lots of lovely facts already!
The children have compared today to 1666 and came up with some great ideas.
What facts can you find out about the Great Fire of London?…