MacMillan Coffee Morning
Thank you to everyone who supported our MacMillan Coffee Morning.
Our Y6 School Council reps were brilliant hosts.
We will let you know the total raised as soon as we can.
Thank you for your generosity.
Mrs W.
Homework – 28th September
Remember we are here to help if you need us before next Friday (5TH October).
Mr H and Mr W
What an exciting and informative trip!
We had great fun today when we visited Cleveland Ironstone Museum to take part in a series of workshops on the Anglo-Saxons. We looked at maps to study place names that still exist today. Our spinning and weaving skills were put to the test as we found out all about the different plants that were…
Lovely tea party
It was lovely to welcome our new Reception families to our tea party this afternoon.
School Council hosted brilliantly and Miss Horne & Miss Gott managed to get around all the tables to ‘catch up’ with everyone.
There were no goodies left, but there was an awful lot of starry table confetti…
Louis Braille
Last week nursery learnt all about our sense of sight. This week we researched Louis Braille. Louis Braille lived a long time ago. He became blind at the age of 3 following a nasty accident. When he was 15 he invented a system of reading and writing for the blind. This consisted of tiny…
Hear Hear!
Nursery have learnt all about their sense of hearing by learning about how our ears work. We cooked popcorn in the microwave and listened very carefully for the pops! We ate it. It was delicious!
Art detectives
In Y6 today we were continuing with our work on portraiture and the link to WW2.
Someone mentioned a TV programme about a team of investigators trying to find the ‘lost’ art works linked to Hitler’s looting of many valuable work students of art during WW2.
I said that I would research this…
2D shape
This week we have been beginning to look at different 2d shapes, we have talked about their properties and we have sorted the shapes according to these. Some of us made patterns using different cut out shapes in the sticky area and we also made people and animals by drawing around the shapes.
Well done!
I was delighted yesterday to open the parcel from Yarm Library which contained certificates and medals for children who had taken part in the summer reading challenge.
Children from across school, siblings and extended families took part and it was great to share this news in assembly…
The children from Year 3 started their swimming sessions this week. They have really enjoyed their time in the pool and are already looking forward to coming back in the new year.
Super runners…
A BIG congratulations to everyone who took part in Cross Country this afternoon.
If you got through to the next round – super well done!
And for those people who didn’t – you dared to take the risk and I am very proud of you…
You ALL represented the school well and we are impressed with…
Welcome to another exciting insight into our school! Biscuit Bear
This week we have read the story ‘Biscuit Bear’. The poor bear didn’t have any friends so he decided to bake some. We thought about how he felt not having friends and how to be a good friend. We have made a friend for biscuit bear, recorded which ingredients we would need to make a biscuit bear…