Welcome to Year Five
Welcome back to school and to Year Five. Our topic for the coming half term will be based around the Romans and what they brought to Britain. What do you know about the Romans? What might you like to find out about?
We will be exploring the question ‘Were the Roman Army successful?’
I wonder…
Welcome back
What a wonderful first day back we have had! The children have made lots of new friends, started learning about what it takes to be a good detective and been artists today.
What are you looking forward to about being in Year Two?
Welcome to an exciting new term in Nursery!
We are looking forward to welcoming you all and meeting our new starters. We have an exciting half term planned ahead with our topic being ‘Me, Me, Me’. The children will be learning all about themselves, their body and their senses. We will also be thinking about what keeps us healthy and…
Welcome back Year 4
Welcome back everybody.We hope you had a wonderful holiday in the summer sunshine.We are looking forward to seeing you all again, hearing your news and making a super start to the new school year.
from the Year 4 Team
Welcome back!
Welcome back to all of you.
Mr Wood and I hope you have had a fantastic summer holiday and are ready to come back to school and get stuck in to your learning!
Excitingly, we have our first trip on Friday morning when we visit the annual Crucial Crew event in Billingham.
At the event we…