Image of World Book Day 2019
7 March 2019

World Book Day 2019

Who shall we call out in the register today?

Billionaire Boy?

Harry Potter?

Ella Noying?

What a fantastic range of characters we have had in school today in celebration of World Book Day!

We love reading!

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Image of World Book Day
7 March 2019

World Book Day

We are absolutely loving dressing up as our favourite characters for World Book Day. Can you guess what our favourite stories are?

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Image of History of Yarm
5 March 2019

History of Yarm

After a busy first week back at school, we have already delved into Yarm’s history and unearthed some interesting information.

Who was Tom Brown? Why is he a historical figure for Yarm?

What is his story?

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Image of A flipping marvellous event!
5 March 2019

A flipping marvellous event!

Following on from the fabulous Reading initiatives this term, this afternoon we linked a book sale in with pancake day!

Thank you to Mrs Besterfield and School Council for making this such a success – and we’ll have even more funds to spend on our new books – Brilliant!

Keep Reading!


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Image of Learning a new skill…
4 March 2019

Learning a new skill…

Nursery have been learning how to sew this week!  Continuing with our Under The Sea theme, the children have been sewing a sea creature.  These will be displayed in the classroom.  Please come and have a look – the children are really proud of them!

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Image of What do you do to help our world?
3 March 2019

What do you do to help our world?

This half term we are learning all about how we can help our world. The children have been learning about 10 simple ways that they can help their world. What do you already do at home to help our world?

What could you do more of to help the world more?

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Image of Under The Sea
1 March 2019

Under The Sea

As you can see, our new topic is a great hit with the children.

The Nursery fish restaurant is open and the children have wasted no time getting busy.We have ordered, cooked and served more fish and chips than you could ever eat!

In Literacy we have been looking at the difference between…

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Image of Maths Evening
1 March 2019

Maths Evening

Last night we had a wonderful evening showing our parents all the different Maths activities we do at school.

We enjoyed learning through investigating and problem solving.

Some children took part in numicon snakes and ladders

Others design a kite to fit with a specific criteria and…

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Image of Homework
1 March 2019


Please come and see one of us if there is a problem.

Mr H

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Image of Bookshop v library? Which do you prefer?
27 February 2019

Bookshop v library? Which do you prefer?

Year 4 had a lovely morning visiting our local Waterstones bookshop where we were made most welcome by the staff. We enjoyed a fun quiz, a book hunt and listened to a very funny story. We loved browsing among so many lovely books.

We then went to our local library where we spent our DEAR time…

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Image of Reading superstars!
15 February 2019

Reading superstars!

Year Two are loving our Drop Everything and Read Time! We’ve read nearly 400 books this half term and the children are thoroughly enjoying reading a wide variety of texts. Many of the children have moved from reading picture books to chapter books. Keep it up Year Two- you are reading…

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Image of Does the weather have an effect on water?
15 February 2019

Does the weather have an effect on water?

This week Year 1 Investigated the effect the weather has on water.

First we filled 3 balloons with water and food colouring.

We then placed the balloons in a container ready to place outside over night.

The next day we observed the effect the weather had on the water balloons…They had…

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