8 May 2020

Nursery VE day

Good Morning!  What can you find out about VE day?  We hope that you have a fun day today!  If families are 'celebrating' (safely  of course) VE Day today we would love to see what you have been up to!  Why not research with your child and see what they can find out about VE day?  What is it?  Why…

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29 April 2020

Nursery are having fun with Class Dojo!

It is lovely to see so many of you engaging with class Dojo!  It has been great to see the children's work and lovely to be able to give the children some positive feedback on how well they are doing!  Thank you for that! If you haven't yet connected with us then please do!  You should have…

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21 April 2020

Nursery - A new pond creature?

Hi! Hope everyone is staying safe and well! We would like to welcome you to our Summer term.  It has been lovely to have seen so many photos of the children enjoying the introduction to what would have been our new topic of 'down by the pond'.  Many of the children seem to be enjoying finding out…

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7 April 2020

It is lovely to see how you are getting on Nursery!

Hi Nursery!  We are thrilled to have received lots of photographs of all the fun learning you are doing whilst you are at home!  It is lovely to 'see' you and we are glad that you are all safe and well!  We miss you all very much!

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31 March 2020

Home Learning!

It was really lovely to have been able to speak to some of the children and parents this week.  We are so glad everyone is well and keeping safe!  Thank you so much for showing us what you have been up to at home over the last week.  We can tell the children are engaging well with their new…

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17 March 2020

We are Inventors!

Nursery have been inventors this week! They have been inventing their own machines!  We have had some really creative ideas such as a car washer, cleaning machine,  crushing machine, a reading machine and even a Christmas tree decorating machine!  They have all had fun inventing, designing and…

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10 March 2020

Our Story Machine

Nursery have been learning about Machines this week.  We have read a story called 'The Story Machine' which was about a little boy called Elliot who found a strange looking machine in a box in his attic.  As he explored the strange machine he discovered that it was able to type letters and words. …

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3 March 2020


This week Nursery have been making their own robots from junk material.  They have been thinking about shape and size selecting boxes and materials appropriately.  We have also opened our new role play area too which is a 'Machine Workshop' where they have been inventors inventing lots of…

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28 February 2020

Beebots and ......... pancakes!

Our new topic in Nursery is Robots and Machines.  We have introduced the children to robots this week and they have learnt that robots are not just toys to have fun with.  Robots can be used to help people to do jobs in places such as factories and hospitals and can play very important parts in…

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11 February 2020

Safer Internet Day

Today Nursery have been learning all about what the internet is and how we can use it to help us with our learning.  We researched facts about our Planet Earth and found out how Earth was formed billions of years ago.  We also researched ways in which we can look after our planet and what would…

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4 February 2020

Is anybody out there?

We have been asking the question this week ''Is there life on other Planets?''  We have found out that to sustain life a planet would need water, warmth and light from the sun, and oxygen just like there is on Earth.  We have been exploring the concept of Aliens living on other planets in our…

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27 January 2020

Exploring the Universe

This week Nursery has gone into Infinity and beyond!  They have been exploring the planets and have learnt which planets there are in space, their names and how far away they are from the Sun and our Earth.  They have learnt some simple facts about them!  Mars is called the 'Red Planet' because it…

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