Image of Learning about fish
1 March 2021

Learning about fish

Nursery have been learning all about fish today!  We had a real fish (bought from the fish mongers!) for the children to explore.  They were able to touch it and feel its scales, spot its fins and gills and look closely at its mouth to see if it had any teeth!  They looked through magnifying…

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Image of A Snow Day
8 February 2021

A Snow Day

Nursery enjoyed a 'snow day' today, making foot prints, snow balls, snow castles and they even tried to build a snowman!  They had lots of fun exploring how snow felt and they even tried to catch a few flakes on their tongue!  

Back inside after they had warmed up we learnt all about Chinese…

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1 February 2021

Exploring frost and ice

As we welcomed our Nursery children back this week, the weather was just right for our planned activities!!  We learned how frost was formed and looked at pictures of the pretty patterns it makes!  We were able to go outside on the grass and explore the frost for ourselves!  The children thought…

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Image of Exploring ice and animals
11 January 2021

Exploring ice and animals

At the end of last week we took advantage of the cold, snowy and icy weather.  We carried out an experiment to see what would happen if we left a tray of water outside overnight.  The children were surprised the next morning when the water has disappeared and ice was in it's place!  The children…

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Image of Ice Adventures
4 January 2021

Ice Adventures

Happy new year to you all and welcome back to term 2!  This term the children are learning about the polar regions and the animals which live there.  They started off by going on an Arctic Adventure with Peter the Polar Bear and got dressed up in winter woolies to keep warm! Peter Polar Bear told…

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Image of Christmas has arrived in Nursery!
9 December 2020

Christmas has arrived in Nursery!

The children have been learning all about Christmas and why it is celebrated!  They have been having fun in our new role play area where they have been dressing up and acting out the Nativity story.  They have also been busy wrapping presents and pretending it is Christmas Eve, going to 'sleep' in…

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Image of A combination of seasons
24 November 2020

A combination of seasons

Nursery have been having fun creating these gorgeous pictures with natural materials which represent the 4 seasons.  They used objects such as flowers to represent summer, green leaves to represent spring, acorns, conkers, yellow/orange leaves to represent autumn and twigs for winter.  They chose…

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Image of Exploring Autumn
9 November 2020

Exploring Autumn

Nursery have been learning about the 4 seasons and now know that the season that we are in now is Autumn.  The children have learnt about how the leaves on the trees turn beautiful colours such as yellow, gold, brown, orange and red and fall off the trees to leave bare branches.  They have learnt…

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Image of Growing and planting
20 October 2020

Growing and planting

This week Nursery have been learning about how things grow.  We talked about how we grow from a baby to a child and then to an adult and how we change and grow taller.  We talked about how all living things grow - humans, animals, plants and trees.  The children learnt what is needed for each of…

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5 October 2020

Nursery Den Building

Nursery have had fun building dens today.  We learnt about which animals live in a den eg fox, bear, lion etc and looked up on the internet about what they use to build them with.  We then thought about the materials that we could use to build a den for us.  The children were very creative and…

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22 September 2020

Exploring trees ...... and ourselves!

Nursery have been having lots of fun exploring trees!  We looked at the trees in our school playground and talked about what we could see.  We talked about their branches, their leaves, the bark and we spotted their roots too!  The children learnt what the roots are for and lots of children knew…

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9 September 2020

Welcome back to Nursery

We would like to welcome you to our new term in Nursery.  It is lovely to see the children back.  They have all made us proud of how well they have come back into the Nursery environment and worked hard this week!  We would also like to welcome all new children and their families and we look…

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