Welcome to Year 5!
It was truly wonderful to welcome Year 5 children to their new classes today! We were thrilled to see you all and we are already very impressed with your excellent behaviours for learning and all-round positive attitude. Keep this up!
As part of our whole-school topic on Forests, in Year 5,…
Is Change Always a Good Thing?
Hi Everyone,
Welcome to Year 4!
We are really excited to welcome you to school in September and to begin our learning journey.
In our first topic, we will be linking our work into the whole-school topic of 'forests/woodlands'. We will be learning all about the natural environment and…
The Olympic Experience... at Home!
Year 5 are not only fantastic writers but also imaginative constructors of model stadiums as part of our Olympics topic. We have all sorts of creative designs here, from those using cardboard boxes and polystyrene to designs which include lightning and even some which use household objects. How…
We are Writers... at Home!
Lockdown hasn't stopped children in Year 5 from producing imaginative, high-quality writing. Just take a look at the following examples. Keep up all that hard work, Year 5!
Challenge 5 - Nature Diary
Hi everyone,
Here is your next challenge.
Can you write a nature diary? We'd love to see some of these. If you feel that these challenges can be improved or have any suggestions, then please let us know!
Y4 Keen Writers
Well done to all the Year 4 keen writers, who are using Home learning opportunities to produce super examples of extended writing. We look forward to reading each new chapter. Great readers make great writers. Keep up the good work, Year 4.
Year 5 Home Learning
Year 5 have been producing some fantastic work at home. We are really proud of you all.
We have had Maths investigations, amazing writing with Year 5 SPaG features, super drawing of rainforests and much more! The children have worked incredibly hard and we look forward to receiving more great…
Reading for Pleasure at Home
Reading for Pleasure at Home
Dear Parents and Carers,
We aim to promote a love of reading at Yarm Primary School so we would like to share with you some fantastic activities for keeping your child engaged with books while at home.
Book Covers
Why not try…
Challenge 2 - Thanks
Following on from our first challenge, this time we're asking you to think of those people who we may wish to thank. This doesn't have to be a long writing activity at all.
We can't wait to see your efforts and we will share some on here when they come in.
Good luck!
Let's Explore the Rainforests...
Year 5 have been producing some fantastic work at home for our Geography topic all about the Rainforests.
We have had labelled diagrams of rainforest animals such as sloths and jaguars, rainforest art in the style of Henri Rousseau, fact files about rainforest tribes, and even investigations…
Struck by Lightning!
We have been 'struck' by your excellent lightning work based on the project we sent you as part of your home learning. Your art work is wonderful and many of you have used a range of techniques and found out some fantastic facts.
If you are still working on this, then please continue to send…
Nursery VE day
Good Morning! What can you find out about VE day? We hope that you have a fun day today! If families are 'celebrating' (safely of course) VE Day today we would love to see what you have been up to! Why not research with your child and see what they can find out about VE day? What is it? Why…