World Book Day!
We LOVE reading at Yarm Primary school so we had to make sure that we took the chance to fully involve ourselves in World Book Day 2020. Of course we also had the chance to see all of us in a range of fantastic costumes (including us staff of course)! We even created our own ‘mobile library’ to…
Maths p40 and p41
SPAG p8 and p11
Homework for last week:
Maths p38 and p39
SPAG p24 and p25
This week Nursery have been making their own robots from junk material. They have been thinking about shape and size selecting boxes and materials appropriately. We have also opened our new role play area too which is a 'Machine Workshop' where they have been inventors inventing lots of…
Spring Maths Sponsorship Challenge
Over the last couple of weeks, Y4 have used some of our maths lessons to make a variety of challenging and creative maths games.
We have incorporated all of our current maths knowledge and even linked some games to our previous topics.
If you are able to take part, children have brought home…
Beebots and ......... pancakes!
Our new topic in Nursery is Robots and Machines. We have introduced the children to robots this week and they have learnt that robots are not just toys to have fun with. Robots can be used to help people to do jobs in places such as factories and hospitals and can play very important parts in…
Year 5 Love Books!
Year 5 enjoyed paying a visit to Yarm library and Waterstones on Tuesday morning in celebration of the upcoming World Book Day 2020 and to further promote that all-important love of reading we treasure at Yarm Primary.
The children were treated to a talk by the library manager about their…
What has been your most enjoyable moment in Year 6 (so far)?
In Year 6, we are investigating blogs and have decided to record our own blog posts about our experience of Year 6 so far. Our responses are included n the comments section.
Our homework for Friday 28th February
Maths p36 and p37
SPAG p34 and p22
Climate Crisis?
It is the end of another half term and another few weeks of fantastic work, effort and progress. As we leave the mountains behind, we begin to reflect on our climate.
Within our next topic, we will be asking the questions - "Is there a climate crisis?" and "Are we climate leaders?". Through…
Planetarium Magic!
Year 5 were treated to a morning in a visiting, inflatable planetarium to round off their fascinating Earth and Space topic, 'Is there Life on Mars?' They had the opportunity to 'visit' the planets of the solar system, view real footage of the sun's surface, and gaze at constellations of stars…
Safer Internet Day
Today Nursery have been learning all about what the internet is and how we can use it to help us with our learning. We researched facts about our Planet Earth and found out how Earth was formed billions of years ago. We also researched ways in which we can look after our planet and what would…
NSPCC Number Day
Year 4 enjoyed our NSPCC Number Day Challenges. We collected a very large jar of 2p and 1p coins and used them to complete lots of predicting, measuring and weighing challenges, before trying out other games and puzzles connected with money. Learning about money was lots of fun and the money we…