Image of Ready for edge of empire?!
16 October 2019

Ready for edge of empire?!


Ready for edge of empire?!

Image result for vindolanda excavations 2019Image result for roman army museum







At Vindolanda we had so much fun seeing the Latin teacher that helped us spell our name in Latin. Soon after we looked at a 3D Roman film! It was amazing. Then we went to the real Vindolanda to see the archaeologist excavate. I…

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14 October 2019

Nursery Trip Hardwick Park

Nursery had a fabulous day last week when we went on our trip to Hardwick Park.  We looked out for signs of Autumn and collected leaves to take back to make collages and to study using magnifying glasses.  We also went on a Gruffalo Hunt around the park where we spotted all the animals from the…

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Image of Show Racism The Red Card!
14 October 2019

Show Racism The Red Card!

Year 5 had an information-packed morning where they found out more about racism. They took part in a workshop where they learnt the definition of racism and had the opportunity to share any experiences that they had come across. The children explored different words and decided if they were…

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Image of Year 5 went to Vindolanda!
9 October 2019

Year 5 went to Vindolanda!

Today year five went on a school trip!!!

Year 5 went on a school trip to Vindolanda and they also went to the Roman Army Musuem .  At the Roman Army Musuem they saw some sculptures from 0 AD . Also they watched a 3D film with 3D glasses. They saw some archeologists digging in the…

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Image of Amazing trip to Vindolanda!
9 October 2019

Amazing trip to Vindolanda!

Image result for roman army museum







Today Year five went to the Roman Army Museum and Vindolanda. They had a great time and got to find out lots of information and got to see some artefacts in the Vindolanda museum. That day in Vindolanda was the last day to see archaeologists digging up artefacts…

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Image of Amazing Vindolanda
9 October 2019

Amazing Vindolanda

Amazing Vindolanda!

We have been to the Roman Army Museum and it was extremely fun. We went to see a holographic teacher and he helped us learn Latin numbers and letters. Then we went to read Roman facts and then we went to see a roman movie in 3D. When we went to Vindolanda we saw the…

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Image of Y5 went to real ancient fort!
9 October 2019

Y5 went to real ancient fort!

See the source image









Y5 have been working so hard in their history work and recently went on a school trip to Vindolanda and were educated about the Romans. They explored the Roman forts and strongholds and even had a battle with imaginary swords.

Y5 also did worksheets…

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Image of Practical Science in Year 5!
8 October 2019

Practical Science in Year 5!

Year 5 have been enjoying testing out their Science skills in their first Science topic of the year, 'Properties and Changes of Materials'. To investigate which materials would be the best insulators and keep food fresh in a packed lunch box, children wrapped different materials such as fabric…

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Image of Y4 Young Scientists of the Future
7 October 2019

Y4 Young Scientists of the Future

Year 4 pupils have been very busy in Science lessons entering the Pioneers Little Inventors competition. We were delighted to discover that many of our energy saving inventions have been uploaded onto the Little Inventors website with comments and encouragement from the real scientists. It has…

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Image of Jarrow Hall Adventure!
5 October 2019

Jarrow Hall Adventure!

Welcome to the Year 4 blog 19-20!

We have already learnt so much over the last few weeks and have been so pleased with how the children have settled into their new classes.

Through our history topic, we have explored the life and times of Anglo Saxon Britain. To support this, the children…

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Image of Wonderful Writing!
1 October 2019

Wonderful Writing!

Year 5 children in Mr Jefferies' and Miss Mowbray's classes have been producing fantastic writing linked to their History topic on the Romans. Examples include exciting stories and story openers based on their visit to Roman Vindolanda and atmospheric sensory descriptions linked to the novel,…

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Image of Our study of sea creatures continues…
8 July 2019

Our study of sea creatures continues…

Nursery have had fun this week finding out all about crabs.  We brought a real crab (dead of course!) into the classroom for the children to investigate.  They had the opportunity to look at its features, find out what it felt like and smelt like!  They learnt that crabs have their skeleton on…

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